Uxia Ces Santos
My name is Uxía Ces Santos, and I am a professional copywriter. My eagerness to learn as much as possible, combined with my passion for writing and sharing with the world what I discover, has led me to become a professional copywriter.
This drive to learn everything has led me to conduct research across a wide range of fields, from healthcare and health sciences to more familiar areas like tourism and technology.
My journey in this field began in 2019 with the onset of the COVID-19 pandemic. While many were unsure of what to do, I sought a way to make the most of the knowledge I had. That’s how different companies and individuals reached out to me for assistance with their businesses, leveraging my expertise in various subjects.
Today, I continue to research topics that still spark my curiosity and collaborate with different individuals and companies to share my knowledge and provide valuable insights.
SOUTHERN PHARMA SPAIN S.L. will not assume any responsibility for the use of the website’s content by third parties and reserves the right to take any civil or criminal actions deemed necessary in the event of a violation of these rights by the user. The use of the website or any of its elements for unlawful purposes is strictly prohibited. The benefits and properties of CBD mentioned on the website www.gorillagrillz.com are in no way attributed to the products sold on the website. CBD products are not medicines and should not replace treatments prescribed by healthcare professionals. What you read on our website is not official medical advice but references to preclinical studies. If you have any doubts, please consult a professional healthcare provider. We remind you that in Spain, CBD products are for topical use only. All products come with THC analyses showing levels below 0.2% in compliance with Royal Decree 1729/1999.