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+10,000 satisfied customers
Free 24-48H Shipping on orders over 50€
Up to 10gr free on orders +75 and +125€
Small Buds from €0.85/gr
+10,000 satisfied customers


CBD Products Wholesale In Europe

The fastest growing CBD brand in 2023 thanks to all points of sale. The highest quality in all our products and a premium service throughout the process.

300 puntos de venta 1

+300 points of sale

80% of points of sale repeat every month


High profitability

Great conditions for your business


Brand image

Brand well positioned in the sector, with collaborations with artists and events.

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It's time to grow together

Flowers | Oils | Pets | Vapes

Buy CBD Wholesale

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SR. GRILLZ scaled 1


Javier Ayuso

[email protected]

+34 679 186 068

Director of Sales

Andrés Rambaud

[email protected]

+34 677 216 250

Customer Service

Sales Department

[email protected]

+34 630 751 157

CBD Wholesaler in Spain

CBD distribution is the process of getting CBD products from the manufacturer to the end user. It can be a complicated process, but it’s worth it because CBD is an amazing product and we’re with you in this process.

As a leading CBD brand in Spain and CBD wholesalers , we are present in more than 350 points of sale, and with this experience we can guide which products may work best in your area for your clientele.

CBD Supplier in Spain

We are a brand with a great orientation to B2B and CBD suppliers as we believe in the Win-Win strategy and we have all the stores we work with as long-term partners. Benefit from wholesale purchases of cbd to offer it in your stores and have Gorilla Grillz in your store.

Gorilla Grillz offers an extensive catalog of products including CBD flowers, CBD oils, vapers, cosmetics, paraphernalia as well as pet oils.

The industry is growing at an unprecedented rate, and it’s not hard to see why. Consumers are looking for CBD for all kinds of problems. There is a wide selection of CBD products available, and the industry has only just begun to explore what it can do for consumers.

CBD Distributor in Spain

There are many benefits to opening a CBD store. One of the most important is greater flexibility and a higher profit margin by having good terms with your CBD distributors.

CBD shops have been popping up all over the country in recent years, but their popularity has been steadily increasing as they offer an alternative to medical cannabis that doesn’t have the same stigma or legal implications.

CBD locations are a new trend in the retail industry. They’ve been gaining a lot of attention in recent years, and it’s not hard to see why. These stores provide customers with the opportunity to purchase CBD products and CBD-infused items while enjoying a coffee or tea.

Since CBD is becoming more popular, many people have started opening their own CBD stores around the world. As a result, this has led to increased competition among retailers, which can be seen in the high profitability of these stores and the high attendance rates, as well as the high sales figures.

How to buy CBD wholesale?

Buying CBD in bulk or in large quantities becomes an extremely simple process when carried out through a wholesale company that specializes in CBD. The procedure is easy to follow and ensures a hassle-free transaction. Simply locate your wholesale CBD supplier, browse their diverse range of wholesale CBD products, and get in touch for more details and checkout.

Our CBD wholesale process is characterized by simplicity, speed, discretion, and effectiveness. We give you the convenience of receiving our CBD products at the location of your choice. Here are the steps to follow:

  • Contact us with email, telephone number, tax details and form 046
  • Request our comprehensive wholesale CBD catalog .
  • Receive a personalized quote according to your order.
  • Once you give us your approval, you will receive a proforma and you will simply have to make the agreed payment by bank transfer.
  • After confirmation of payment, your order will be delivered to the address of your choice within 24-48 working hours. And you will receive the invoice below.

It couldn’t be simpler! Our communication is always at your disposal through multiple contact channels. If you have any questions or wish to discuss a particular case, please do not hesitate to contact us; We will be happy to help you.

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